Make Data-Driven E-Commerce Business Decisions

Use AI to uncover hidden trends and insights from your business data, empowering you to take proactive business decisions.

Building a Successful E-Commerce Business Requires Making Tough Business Decisions

Effective business decisions require unified data visibility, avoiding silos that hinder clarity.

Data Scattered Across Multiple Services

Operational Fragmentation

E-Commerce Platform Overload

Underutilized Customer Insights

Disjointed Processes

Your Personal AI Assistant to Visualize Business Trends and Automate Actions

Ektie provides a holistic view of your business, integrating 6+ data dimensions for seamless harmony and comprehensive insights.

Unlock detailed customer profiles and track their journey seamlessly.

Ektie captures every aspect of your customer’s interaction, from marketing engagement and website visits to order history, abandoned carts, email interactions, and post-purchase satisfaction, enabling targeted strategies and enhanced customer experiences.

Streamline operations with a centralized dashboard for all marketplace orders.

Ektie consolidates orders from multiple marketplaces and apps into a single, intuitive dashboard. Manage internal processes and streamline order fulfillment seamlessly, all from one unified platform.

Analyze and visualize your business performance effortlessly with simplified English queries.

Ektie AI empowers business owners to comprehend their performance through intuitive graphs and charts. By asking questions in plain language, it extracts key data insights from CRM, Sales, Operations, Order Fulfillment, Marketing, and online trends. Make informed decisions driven by comprehensive data analytics.

Amidst Marketplace Diversity Streamline Operations and Enhance Customer Retention

Ektie AI identifies unique customer traits and consolidates profiles for targeted ad campaigns based on comprehensive insights from customer journeys across websites, ads, and other channels.

360 deg view of entire business

Gain comprehensive insights across all aspects of your business operations in one view.

Omnichannel order fulfilment

Manage and fulfill orders seamlessly across multiple channels from a unified platform.

Unified customer

Create detailed customer profiles to personalize interactions and improve retention.

6+ data dimensions for detailed insights

Access integrated data dimensions for in-depth analysis and strategic decision-making.

Simplified report for decision making

Generate clear and actionable reports to facilitate informed business decisions.

Enhanced business operation

Optimize and streamline business processes for improved efficiency and effectiveness.

We're here to answer all your questions.

What is Ektie, and how can it help my e-commerce business?

Ektie is an AI-powered platform designed to provide a comprehensive view of your business by integrating data across multiple segments, such as CRM, sales, operations, order fulfillment, and marketing. It helps you make data-driven decisions, streamline operations, and enhance customer engagement.

Ektie seamlessly connects with your CRM, sales channels, marketing tools, and operational systems to aggregate data into a unified dashboard. This integration allows for a 360-degree view of your business, eliminating silos and providing clear, actionable insights.

Yes, Ektie consolidates orders from over 10 different marketplaces into a single, intuitive dashboard. This unified approach simplifies order management and fulfillment, allowing you to efficiently manage operations from one platform.

Ektie captures detailed customer profiles by tracking interactions across various touchpoints, including marketing campaigns, website visits, orders, abandoned carts, and post-purchase reviews. This comprehensive view enables targeted and personalized engagement strategies.

Ektie’s AI-driven analytics provide insights through intuitive graphs and charts, covering areas like CRM, sales, operations, order fulfillment, and online trends. By simply asking questions in plain English, you can uncover hidden trends and make informed decisions based on robust data analysis.

Ektie generates clear and actionable reports that help you understand key business metrics. By visualizing performance through simplified English queries and integrating data from multiple segments, it empowers you to make proactive, data-driven decisions.

Absolutely. Ektie enhances business operations by streamlining processes and providing a centralized view of your activities. This optimization leads to improved efficiency and effectiveness, helping your business stay competitive in a crowded e-commerce landscape.

Ektie stands out by offering a holistic approach to business management. It not only consolidates data from various sources into a unified dashboard but also provides AI-driven insights and customer profiling. This comprehensive solution helps businesses understand their customers better and make smarter, data-driven decisions.

Unlock the Power of AI and Data-Driven Insights with Ektie.

Harness Ektie’s AI to visualize trends, streamline operations, and boost customer engagement.